“Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people’s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.”
― Winston Churchill
Even back then free speech was a “free for me, but no for you” thing. And it’s only gotten worse since then. We now have an entire social media platform that is insular, permanently outraged, and hateful of any speech except their own in the form of X. Millions of people who can’t stand the speech of others, who SWAT people, who believe in attacking old men with hammers. It is ludicrous that this is where we are as a society.
People used to believe we’d live in a utopia. A world of civility and peace. A world of equality, where all men were created equal. People dreamed of that day. People worked for that day. Step by step society moved forward.
But now for every step we take forward, we then go back not one but ten steps. AI is going to change our lives? Who cares when there isn’t justice and equality between us. Who cares when people are going to lose their jobs and never recover. Who cares when there is no faith in the Supreme court, no faith in the Federal Government, and no faith in their fellow man. What is the point of progress that is not progress.
It’s time for us all to grow up and be the people our ancestors thought we’d be.