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About Prismatic Evolutions Pull Rates

So about Prismatic Evolutions pull rates, we do not have enough data yet to determine the pull rates for this set. It’s only just started being opened and availability of Prismatic Evolutions products is poor.

The random redditor with 50 packs cannot tell just how bad or good the pull rates are. Even someone with 1000 packs does not provide a large enough sample size. So wait until we’ve gotten further along before saying the set has good or bad pull rates. We need that data.

I will also remind you that people post their wins on social media but not their losses. So yes, a bunch of people are posting about their god packs and demi god packs but that does not mean you will get one. It’s about luck, about statistics, and you statistically will not always be lucky. A redditor who opened 2 packs and got lucky and got a god pack is not who you should be looking to as an example of the sets pull rates.

So while I hope you pull a god pack be prepared to get nothing good.