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An Arthur Chu on Berkeley Update



Last night an entertainer, Arthur Chu, thought it was appropriate to enjoy a woman getting pepper sprayed because he didn’t agree with her views.

I hoped that he would find it in his heart to recognize that enjoying the assault of another person, and from the sound of his twitter encouraging the assault of others, is an incredibly gross thing to do.


He did not.


He apparently did not recognize that violating the fundamental rights of others is not how you protect those same rights.


Our ancestors raised their hands in anger in the hope that we would never have to do so again.


They did it for a reason.

Laws are made for a reason.

Religions have spoken about of how raising your hand in violence, crossing that line, changes you… for reason.

I speak about what Arthur Chu is enjoying for a reason.


And if you honestly don’t have the ethics necessary to recognize assaulting an individual minding their own damn business as wrong… then you need to seriously reevaluate your mindset.


I truly hope Arthur Chu finds it in his heart to change his feelings towards violence.



A note: Pink Ink is a website about art. It is not a political website. Individual freedom and freedom of speech are inseparable from art. That is why you will find current issues revolving around free speech in the "art news" category of this website.