The Bootlicker Company Wishes You a Merry Fake Tax Break!

errr… i mean… the boeing company…


First off, it’s kind of silly for a member of a duopoly (Airbus & Boeing) to be talking about innovation…


Second, there’s little to support the assertion that congress’ recent legislation will do anything to help anybody. It does not sound like anything in the tax code was truly simplified, it does not sound like there are any real tax breaks, and it really doesn’t sound like anybody except for the wealthy who can hire minions to do the work for them will be able to understand or take advantage of the new rules. It almost reminds of the half-ass stimulus measures congress passed during earlier administrations (cash for clunkers anybody?)


Third, Boeing is promoting through advertisements its favored legislation. A company…
which is a collection of individuals…
is promoting laws…
that benefit itself…
but may very well harm the people who work for it.

That is odd as heck.


This entire ordeal is odd as heck and I think society should be extremely suspicious of anybody who launches advertisements when laws they like are passed that just happen to praise an Administration that is obsessed with getting praise.


Manipulative, childish, and immoral are the words that come to mind here.


P.S. It’s a twitter advertisement praising the Administration… an Administration that just happens to be constantly on twitter… suspect as heck…