Apparently Canadian shoppers looking for Blooming Waters boxes at Costco are not behaving like the stereotypical nice Canadian. Which is a shame, because I’m sure they don’t want to be lumped in with the US Costco shoppers months ago who were behaving badly at Costco for a similar 151 product.
Canadians have been rushing the Costco doors at open and have been rushing the Blooming Waters pallets. A dozen people all snatching up boxes at the same time. People walking out the door with half a pallet and leaving none behind for others. That kind of thing.
It certainly isn’t appropriate and Pokemania is no excuse. Is a bunch of Blooming Waters boxes really worth it? At best you’re going to double your money. So we’ll say it’s the $45 price at Costco, you only get 10 boxes, that $450. You sell them and get $90 after fees. That’s $900, or $450 more than you paid.
We’re not talking about getting rich here and you have to remember your time has a cost. You are wasting time trying to sell a huge box for very little and you already wasted time standing outside Costco.
Pokemania just isn’t a good thing. Don’t buy into it literally or figuratively.