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Costco Will Reportedly Not Sell Blooming Waters In Stores

Thanks to a number of fights, wrestling, and all around bad behavior Costco reportedly will not be selling Blooming Waters boxes in store and will shift to an online only format. There will be a limit on the amount you can purchases, supposedly two boxes.

This is a welcome change from Costco allowing such poor behavior in store. It’s a card game that revolves around shiny cardboard, you’d think people could behave themselves but apparently not. Frankly every single person in stores with fights should’ve been stopped from buying Blooming Waters. No need to reward bad behavior.

GameStop’s Blooming Waters release is coming up and apparently they also have a limit on how many boxes you can buy. The difference is it took Costco fights to figure out to limit sales while GameStop just went ahead and did it before launch.

People like buying stuff over the internet anyway so I don’t know how big of a deal Blooming Waters not being in store will actually be.