“The British microchip champion Graphcore is exploring a sale to foreign owners after struggling to cash in on the artificial intelligence boom.
Industry sources said Graphcore has been discussing a potential deal with major tech companies as it seeks to raise new funding to cover heavy losses.“
Graphcore makes “IPUs”, Intelligence Processing Units, which serve the same role as a GPU but in conjunction with machine learning frameworks.
“Graphcore said last year that its losses in 2022 had grown by 11pc to $204.6m, while revenue had fallen from $5m to $2.7m.”
Wow, that is a tiny amount of sales. I was guessing at least tens of millions. I guess they really haven’t gotten traction for their products.
Regardless, I’m sure Graphcore will be purchased instead of allowed to die. The world is desperate for Nvidia competitors.
Source: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/british-ai-champion-graphcore-explores-170000722.html