A Look at Sony’s Sensor Factory

Sony let people see how its sensors were made… lol sike… kind of…


Here’s an interesting story from Imaging Resource about Sony’s Sensor factory…


Back in early August, I had the very rare opportunity to tour Sony’s sensor factory in Kumamoto, Japan. We had only limited access to the factory itself, but I learned a lot about Sony’s sensor technology and fabrication process while I was there, and will be sharing more on the topic in other forthcoming articles. In this first piece, we’ll look at a few of the intriguing parts of the sensor production process.


We weren’t allowed to take photos ourselves of the factory floor, given the extremely proprietary nature of the wafer processing. I can understand the need for such caution, given my own time in the semiconductor industry, albeit many years ago. Even seemingly innocuous details in a photo could reveal important aspects of Sony’s process to competing production engineers who know what to look for. Instead, Sony provided us with a collection of their own photos, that had been carefully screened and cleared for public dissemination.


Even with the limited access, it was a very interesting glimpse into how the sensors in so many of our cameras are made. (Sony holds a dominant position in the global sensor market. There’s a better than 50% chance that the sensor in your current camera came out of this factory.)

Continue Reading Here: http://www.imaging-resource.com/news/2017/09/05/sony-kumamoto-sensor-factory-tour-a-rare-glimpse


You know, I really wish we could get over ourselves.


There’s so much information, so much we can all learn, so much we could all do if we just let go of our obsession with our current concepts of secrecy and competition.


Think about it. We don’t even get to talk to the lens designers… even though they’ve spent years working on the things we buy and discover we love dearly…

We work daily with their work. Yet we don’t get to enjoy it together. The only time we get to talk to these people is when a corporate behemoth’s PR and Marketing departments say it’s okay. Can you see how sad that is?


We don’t get to see how things are actually made…


We don’t get to enjoy or respect our products for what they are… for all of the effort… all of the human ingenuity…


I genuinely think that’s pretty sad.


We are so wrapped up in our own little worlds of competition and secrecy that everything is a competition… everything is a secret to be stolen…


The idea that if people were to share more, if engineers and designers were allowed to share more, all hell will be let loose on the business world is nonsensical for so many reasons you could write a book.



It’s all very regrettable.

We could do so much better.

But we refuse to look beyond our own little worlds, our own preconceptions, our own silliness.