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Media Company’s Growing Concern over Presidential Access


I don’t know what it is… but I’ve been talking about “the media” quite a bit lately. I’ll have to get back to writing more technical photography / art supplies stuff later in the year… for now though let’s continue the media fun!


If you remember, I said we should give Trump a bit of a break when shortly after the election results he began ditching his press pool…

everybody needs some privacy, everybody needs to be with their family, everybody needs private and intimate time, and I really don’t think anybody should be judged for that. A President just gets less of those things… not absolutely none of them… you know?


The media’s response seemed to be one of straightforward worry…

The cold shoulder has renewed a nagging question for reporters: Will President-elect Trump’s behavior be a preview of his approach, or perhaps non-approach, to his relations with the news media when he takes office?



Well that was then and this is now…

President-elect Donald Trump has returned to his private club in Florida, after once again ditching his press pool and traveling to another of his clubs to play golf.



Okay… well… he did it again. I don’t know where the line is for when a President has had “too much” personal time and I doubt you do either… but I can easily imagine the press pool making a big fuss this year if Trump continues in this vein.

Especially when you consider that near constant access to the President is something the American people are used to and expect… their sympathy will become more and more limited as he continues to ditch his press pool. I can easily imagine members of Congress using the opportunity to sound tough on Trump and gain voter’s goodwill.

So that’s a spiral of weirdness in the media we should probably watch out for…


Oh and in other news Donald Trump tweeted about other Americans being his “enemies” today. I’ve always thought a President should be shitty to the very people he represents. That only makes sense. It isn’t petty or vindictive at all.


Maybe Trump wants to destroy his voter’s sympathy for him in more than just one way… I guess we’ll see.