illustration of a mcdonalds storefront

People Are Buying the Entire Box of Promo Pokemon Cards From McDonalds

It has come to my attention that people are legitimately buying entire boxes of promo Pokemon cards from McDonalds. Not the meals with the cards, but rather the whole boxes of promos that they have.

But people are also loading up on happy meals. And while it isn’t strange for an adult to buy a happy meal for themselves it is a little odd to be buying happy meals for just the Pokemon cards. Has hype gone so far with Pokemon that we’re even making dietary decisions based on how many Pokemon cards we can get?

You can’t let hype dictate what you do. You shouldn’t go out and buy $70 worth of happy meals to get a handful of Pokemon cards. We’re in a Pokemania and that spells trouble. And McDonalds promo cards are not a good investment if that’s what you’re thinking. They will be worth pennies each in future. Your happy meal won’t make you happy in the end.