People Are In Fact Getting Into Fights At Costco Over Blooming Waters Boxes

So people are in fact getting into fights at Costcos over Blooming Waters boxes and that is pretty sad. On multiple occasions I have jokingly mentioned that getting punched in the face is a very real risk now that we’ve entered into a Pokemania and it seems I was close to being right.

I am not going to link to the various videos of people behaving badly at Costco because you don’t need to see it and it’d be nice to give people a chance to NOT be remembered for their poor behavior.

But I will tell you that people have been wrestling, people have been grabbing at each other, people have been hit in the face… People have just been behaving badly and it’s sad. Pokemon is just a hobby. It’s meant to be fun, safe, and calm. That’s the whole idea. It’s an escape from the real world.

But hoarders and scalpers and people caught up in the mania have begun to ruin the hobby. How is a kid supposed to grab a Blooming Waters box when grown men are literally wrestling for boxes? They simply don’t. They don’t get to engage in the hobby anymore and they’ll leave it behind.

It’s great that The Pokemon Company is reprinting Prismatic Evolutions to try and mitigate the insanity that has become the Pokemon hobby. And it’s great GameStop has introduced limits on the number of units people can buy of Prismatic Evolutions. But more needs to be done. Target, Walmart, and Costco all need to set hard limits across their stores on the purchase of Pokemon products to ensure scalping and hoarding are kept to a minimum. This should be done until Pokemania passes.

I don’t know about you, but it really saddens me that we’re at this point. Grown men wrestling for Blooming Waters. So ridiculous.