The has posted Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle Black Friday bundles for sale. Each bundle costs $350 (yes $350) and comes with a skateboard, a card case, a watch, a poke plush, and a pin. Which is actually kind of a perfect gift for some people.

This bundle contains:
1 Pokémon Center × Bear Walker: Bulbasaur Skateboard
1 Pokémon Center × Fossil: Bulbasaur Green Leather Steven Card Case
1 Pokémon Center × Fossil: Bulbasaur Green Watch
1 Bulbasaur Poké Plush – 9 In.
1 Pokémon Gallery Pins: Bulbasaur Standing PinBuy it here:
That’s got to be appealing to somebody even at $350. I imagine they don’t have a large number of these bundles so you better hurry up and order! These suckers are going to sell out!
But then again you might want to save your money for tomorrow night when deals really begin to drop. I imagine the is going to have something good… or multiple somethings good…
Anyway, these bundles look great and I hope whoever buys them enjoys them!