Scalpers and hoarders are clearing out entire stores of their Pokemon products in one go. We are officially in a new state of Pokemania.
Pokemania of course is what happened during the Pokemon GO craze and the original release of Pokemon. It’s a state of complete mania across society where everyone is chasing Pokemon product, everything is about Pokemon, and the love of money pervails over collecting.
While Targets and Walmarts across the country are seemingly getting product like Prismatic Evolutions pushed to store shelves, scalpers and hoarders are still going around buying up literally everything in the store. Which is not only ridiculous, it’s rude. At no point should you be going “yes I will spend $3000 to buyout a store”.
If you go to Target pray you’ll get lucky. If you do get lucky they may very well have 20 ETBs of Prismatic Evolutions available. But if you’re unlucky someone will have already purchased everything, leaving nothing behind for others.
People will never get rich off of Pokemon. that’s a fact. And yet people are behaving irrationally and obsessing over Pokemon products. Hoarders and scalpers have taken over the hobby. It’s all money and that’s sad.
But this is the world we live in.