Sigma’s Upcoming 70-200 Art and Contemporary Lenses


It’s speculation time!


There is just no way that Sigma doesn’t have a 70-200mm Contemporary and an Art lens in the works.


I know that’s been a rumour for quite a while now… But there’s just no way they aren’t.


Canon currently has SIX 70-200mm lenses on the market, Tamron has introduced both a premium 70-200mm f/2.8 and a lightweight 70-210 f/4. They are all huge sellers. It’s a beloved focal length for virtually all photographers and meets the needs of both casual consumers and professionals.



If you look through Sigma’s current products you’ll find that the 70-200mm lens is both one of the oldest and most expensive commonly used lenses.

It does not make sense for Sigma to completely seed one of the absolute best-selling lenses to Tamron or the camera manufacturers.


I’m sure that Sigma will want to offer stabilization on both the future Contemporary and the Art lens. Which would mean an f-stop of f/4 for the Contemporary to keep the weight down like the other Contemporary lenses, and an f/2.8 Art… Which I’m betting will be astounding in every sense but quite heavy.


While Sigma’s pricing for their Art lenses are generally only a little lower than competitors, they price their Contemporary lenses very competitively.

So I would bet that the Contemporary f/4 70-200mm would come in at about $1000 and the Art at $2000 before any discounts. I really doubt Sigma would give much of a discount for such a premium, complex, lens.

And a high price would guarantee the perception of quality Sigma art lenses have already gained while also allowing Sigma to both release the lens AND not have to rush to make them.

The overall volume will be lower, and when they’re confident and ready, a discount can be applied and volume can increase.

You need to remember that 70-200 zooms are very hard to manufacture. They take a considerable amount of time and I’m guessing Sigma has a bottleneck somewhere in the process for the Art lens… which is why it has taken so long for them to get it to market.


There is simply no way a Contemporary and an Art 70-200mm lens aren’t coming at some point… I’m guessing not any time soon but hey… surprises sometimes happen.