Walmart’s Tyranitar and Other Black Friday Tins May Have Defects
Walmart’s Tyranitar and various other Black Friday tins may have defective booster packs in them. There’s now anecdotal evidence that some booster packs are in fact error packs containing the wrong number of cards and possibly the wrong cards all together and there are what can only be described as damaged packs as well.
Just some venting from me. I was super excited to actually be able to score some black friday deals. I ordered 15 total tins from walmart. I realize hearing that probably triggers a lot of you, but I bought 15 to rip, not to sell.
I opened them all immediately. Every single tin (except one) had 2 ES, 2 LO, 1 FS. Out of the 75 packs I opened, I got one (1) “hit”. Yes. 1.
One tin that did NOT have that same pack lineup because whoever repackaged the tin forgot to put the second ES pack back in there. There were 1 ES, 2 LO, 1 FS in that tin.
Some packs were just straight up sticky on the top with a yellow residue. Some packs had 2 code cards in them. Some packs had 0. Some packs had 2 holos. Etc. Just shenanigans all around.
My dumbass noticed these discrepancies about 3 or 4 tins in and continued to open them. I think I was in denial that they were resealed and was thinking I was just unlucky. I’ve never had resealed packs before (to my knowledge). Fast forward and now all 15 tins are opened. There’s no way they weren’t resealed.
I didn’t think walmart would do anything about this, considering I opened literally every pack. But I called their support and they refunded my entire order…without me giving them proof. So…thank you walmart. Although this probably puts me on a list now and they likely won’t help me next time I request a refund.
All in all, I got my money back. But this was so unbelievably disappointing. I was so excited to rip some packs for a good price.
I realize half of you probably won’t believe me since I currently have no pictures, but frankly I just wanted to vent and do not care.
I hope others don’t have the same issue as me.
FYI: these were fully wrapped Giratina, Rotom, and Gallade tins ordered from a walmart in NC for anyone wondering.
Walmart did the right thing by refunding this person but there are more people in the comments confirming that at least a handful of these Walmart Black Friday tins were errors / damaged.
I’m betting it’s only going to add up to be a handful of the total number of tins sold but it’s kind of disturbing nonetheless. Earlier I had mentioned that these tins were actually a way to get rid of product that is sitting in the warehouses. I am really hoping that this was not a way to get rid of damaged / error product as well. There’s no evidence of that, it’s probably a mistake, but nonetheless your mind wanders… I’m sure it was an accident. A couple error and damaged boxes got through inspection and got packed in the tins.
If you’ve experienced something similar please comment! Your comments help everyone!