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When Will Prismatic Evolutions Singles Prices Go Down?

So when will Prismatic Evolutions singles prices start to go down? Well, pretty soon.

Prismatic Evolutions was just released and “the market” hasn’t yet figured out the true pull rates for all of the cards. People are only guessing on the value of them so the prices are insane. My guess is those guesses are wrong.

What you’re going to see happen is a steady drop in singles prices as the market receives more and more card inventory and pull rates get established. You’re going to see this thanks to the steady restocks that are happening across Targets and Walmarts. Where you would have seen empty shelves everywhere all the time, we’re seeing partially or fully stocked shelves at Targets and Walmarts. Certainly not across all of them but it does seem that more Prismatic Evolutions products are getting pushed out to stores faster than they normally would.

Singles prices are are absolutely going to reflect this increase in availability. God packs are showing up enough that my bet is even the eeveelutions will decrease in price significantly from their heady highs.

I do not think Prismatic Evolutions will be the super scarce set that everyone was assuming it would be and that’s great news for collectors. Restocks are being pushed out and The Pokemon Company has committed itself to a reprint. Things should calm down.

Anyway I hope you get to grab some Prismatic Evolutions product soon and be disappointed by the pull rates like everyone else!