Monster Week on Animal Planet is coming up guys… are you ready???
What Monster Week Is
Monster Week is Animal Planet’s version of its parent’s (Discovery) Shark Week. It is a week of themed show that lead up to a couple big splashy prime time debuts and one themed TV movie/mockumentary. Monster Week generally goes in two directions… One, a bunch of shows about big bitey things like Tigers and Sharks and Crocs… and two, a few shows about swarms of bees and wasps and such. Monster Week can actually be a bit of fun when you remember it’s not really very big on science. If you remember that, you won’t get mad over the bullsquirt, and you can enjoy yourself.
What We’re Probably Going to See
Killer Crocodiles
Because I mean really, what’s more monstrous to people than an 18 foot like bitey thing that fears nothing… Crocodiles will most definitely be part of Monster Week.
It’s just too classic for Animal Planet to resist! Sharks are mega monsters when you systematically portray them as such annually during Shark Week on your parent network (Discovery). You gotta remember sharks, just like crocodiles, are large bitey things. Very scary. You’ll be the frightened.
Swarms of Sh*t
I don’t know what it’ll be, but there’s going to be a swarm of something. Maybe it’s african bees, or maybe it’s big fat wasps, or maybe it’s some kind of insect I’m unaware of… but swarms of sh*t is a Monster Week mainstay. Generally Animal Planet will play their swarm episode on a low audience kind of night like a Wednesday.
River Monsters
River Monsters is Animal Planet’s big show… it’s got star power with the lovable Jeremy Wade and it’s got large beautiful fish in beautiful places. It’s actually probably one of the least sensational shows with the most enjoyable content we’ll see this Monster Week.
Low Quality Daytime ‘Documentaries’
During the daytime during Monster Week, Animal Planet plays rather obscure shows on things like Tiger Sharks, Squid, Bear attacks, just a bunch of general low-budget stuff to fill the gap between their prime time shows.
A Mockumentary
Now, last Monster Week Animal Planet showed The Cannibal in the Jungle as the big prime time show to end the whole week… it was a grand finally. And it certainly was grand… in how ludicrous the mockumentary was. You can find my feelings on that mess all over Pink Ink.
I’m not sure if Monster Week is going to include a mockumentary as a grand finally or not… especially since the mockumentary I thought was going to be part of Monster Week, Life After: Chernobyl, is actually premiering before Monster Week even starts. So we’ll just have to see what’s going on as we get closer to Monster Week.
I’ll update this article or possibly write a new one as we go along and get closer to both Life After: Chernobyl and Monster Week. A lot of the helpful stuff, interesting stuff, and stuff you’ll want to know just isn’t available to me right now… so we wait!